GARY BERGER 2024. 艾爾·里希特·福爾貝哈爾滕

wassermusik@attaque[e]r le visible

Video screening im Rahmen der Experimental Film Reihe attaque[e]r le visible – VIDEOAKTION #4


Experimental Music Video (2022)

“Wassermusik” is a pop-cultural attempt at illustrating the construction and fluidity of femininity. In it a vortex of aquatic sounds are blurred with whirls of neo-dadaist images.

Oliva Artner, Gary Berger, Naima Noelle

More Info about WASSERMUSIK

about attaque[e]r le visible

An anti-salon for experimental film and video? Yes, the VIDEOAKTION, organised by attaque(e)r le visible, wants to provide such a place in Berlin. Twice a year, it gives the opportunity to informally and non-competitively present new experiments with moving images and to put them up for discussion. The focus is on coming together, exchange, and, of course, on the question of the current condition of the experiment today and the possibilities of cinematic or media interventions in the visible. Analogue, digital, AI, Ciné-performance, Ciné-poem, Expanded Cinema performances: we are curious about all formats.
