This composition was realized in the course of the “European Month of the Music” 2001 in Basel, Switzerland.  It was performed at seven different public places in Basel simultaneously thereby creating a permeable net in the physical, musical, and electronic space. Each of the seven locations of public performance was filmed by video, processed, and displayed on the internet on the same day, thus establishing another level of communication: On the one hand the daily concerts on public places and on the other hand virtual concerts in the internet.

Based on this project and on additional video material of the event in Basel the videoinstallation “mâts” was arranged by Karin Leuenberger. The electronic media qualifies our impressions – space resolves following the theory of colour perception as ‘a property of the human brain’ and becomes variable within human conceivability.

UA, Mittwoch, 9. Juni 2004, Radiostudio Basel
Saxophon, Sascha Armbruster
Live-Elektronik, Gary Berger

Dauer: 9 min

Score available at: